Thursday, September 6, 2012

Photojournalists worked hard in the old days!

    What I have learned from reading the history chapter in the Photojournalism: The
Professionals’ Approach textbook, is that photojournalism has evolved since 1887.
    Photographers worked harder back then because they used film, manual cameras and portable light sources. Since then, there have been many advancements of photography, particularly over the previous 20 years. In these modern digital times, we tend to forget how hard photojournalists had it.
    It was very interest and a learning experience for me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My first Blog Post

   My interests are reading books and going to movies. I love taking pictures of my grandchildren. The

best thing about me is that sometimes I am quite keep to myself. I'm told I have nice smile and laugh.
   My favorite things are being with my husband and grandkids, going camping and being outdoors in the 

fresh air.
   I hope to start my own photography business because I enjoy different aspects of photography, and 

 learning about famous photographers, especially Dorothy Lange and Gordon Parks.

   I hope you enjoy my blog!